

奇葩翻譯處處有,最近韓國特別多 當(dāng)前位置:首頁 >  翻譯資訊






  At the central library of a first-rate university in Korea, one can find an awkward stipulation at the entrance: "You can possess writing tackles, books, laptop and the bag which one side size maximum 22cm." The sign probably means: "You can bring into the library writing utensils, books, laptops and bags which do not exceed 22 centimeters in size."



  English translations on the menu of Korean restaurants are much worse. The popular Korean dish, "seafood and green onion pancake (haemool pajeon)" is not safe from Konglish either: one menu calls the pancake a "marine products green onion pancake." Another dish called "cocktail of pan-fried food (modeum pajeon)" should simply be translated to, "assorted seafood and green onion pancake."


  Perhaps one of the funniest translations is "mountain not yet the pebble pot boiled rice with assorted mixtures (sanchae dolsot bibimbab)," which should be "assorted mountain vegetables and rice mixed in a hot pot."


  除了食品,其他物品的韓式英語翻譯也很搞笑。例如,當(dāng)某個(gè)人嘔吐的時(shí)候,韓國人會說,"他吃多了",他們把嘔吐和暴飲暴食混淆了。在體育比賽中,韓國人為隊(duì)伍加油的時(shí)候會喊,"Fighting!(去戰(zhàn)斗吧?。?,而英國本地人會喊,"Go team, go!(大家加油?。?

  There are funny Konglish translations of items other than food, too. For example, when someone vomits, Koreans say, "He is overeating," confusing vomiting with overeating. During sports games, Koreans cheer their team on by shouting, "Fighting!" when native speakers of English would holler, "Go team, go!"



  While Seoul is trying to adopt more visitor-friendly signage, its own tourism campaigns have run into language troubles in the past. Last year, "I.Seoul.U" was chosen as a slogan to promote the city internationally, and was promptly mocked for making little sense in English.

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