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1. 挨家挨戶from door to door


Doctors’ door-to-door visits save many old people’s trouble of going to hospital.

2. 愛不釋手

can’t bear standing part with/putting it down /leaving it aside


The historical novel about/describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I can’t bear (to do …)/stand parting with it / putting it down (back ,aside )/ leaving it aside .

3. 安于現(xiàn)狀

be satisfied with reality/ present situation


We senior high students should have great ambition and (should) not be satisfied with reality/present situation.

4. 擺脫煩惱

get rid of/ to be free from worries


Knowing (that) he is in a bad mood, I suggest his chatting with friends to get rid of /to be free from worries.

5. 彼此埋怨be to blame each other


When (we are) in difficulty / When we meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.

6. 別無選擇have no choice but to do


At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist/traveler (for help).

7. 不得而知remain unknown


It remains unknown whether Mary will attend the English Evening.

8. 不辭而別 leave without saying good-bye


We were greatly surprised that he has left without saying goodbye.

9. 不可估量beyond measure


Although the efforts made are beyond measure, those remote mountainous cities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chinese people / the whole nation feel very proud/full of pride.

10. 不甚感激appreciate it very much

例題:如果你一收到消息就能給我答復(fù)的話,我將不勝感激。(the moment)

I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to me/give me a reply the moment you receive the message.

11. 不懈努力great effort


Despite the great effort made by governments, more effective measures should be made to deal with the ever worsening problem of global warming.

12. 不假思索 without hesitation


Jim answered his teacher’s question(s) without (any) hesitation. Jim answered the question(s) asked by his teacher with no hesitation.

13. 不盡如人意be far from satisfactory


The economy of this area develops very fast but some citizens’ qualities are far from satisfactory.

14. 不容忽視should not be ignored/ neglected


This accident made us realize that safety problems should not be ignored.


(The sense of) Fire protection should not be neglected (We should not neglect fire protection), or great damage might be caused to the lives and property.

15. 不知所措be/ feel at a loss


Internet plays such an important role in our daily life that people feel at a loss when they can’t go online/ surf the Internet/ don’t have access to the Internet.


The fact that consumers have lost confidence in frozen food makes the manufacturers at a loss.

16. 徹夜未眠

didn’t fall asleep last night/ be awake all night


Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night.


Hearing the news that his favorite team won the match, he was too excited to fall asleep last night.

17. 催人淚下people are moved to tears


The performance put up by the disabled/ The disabled people’s performance last night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.

18. 寸步難行can do nothing without

例題:電腦已觸及到每個人的日常生活,難怪有人說當今世界不懂電腦,就寸步難行。(no wonder)

The computer has touched on everyone’s daily life. No wonder someone says that you can do nothing without the knowledge of computer / its knowledge.

19. 大為驚嘆be greatly amazed/ impressed

例題:這些十八世紀的油畫保存得這樣好, 使參觀者大為驚嘆。(so …that)

These eighteenth-century oil paintings have been/are preserved so well that the visitors are greatly amazed/ impressed.

20. 放任自流let him be


Parents often faced the choice that either they did what they felt was good for the development of the child or they just let him be.


be single and has no friends or relatives


Though she is single and has no friends or relatives, all the neighbors offer her help/

a helping hand /to help her.

22.固執(zhí)己見always stick to one’s own opinion


I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.

23.刮目相看look at sb. differently/ with new eyes/ regard sb. in a totally different light


He finished a difficult task on his own/independently soon/ shortly after he entered the company, so his colleagues looked at him differently/ with new eyes/regarded him in a totally different light.


have no difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth.


They had no difficulty finding the warm-hearted man/person.


There is no doubt that.../ It cannot be doubted that


There is no doubt/ It can’t be doubted that travelling broadens one’s mind and enlarge/ improve/ increase one’s knowledge.

26.后悔莫及regret doing


He regretted losing/having lost the chance to win a scholarship.

27.后來居上catch up with sb.


Because of illness/Being ill last week, I missed some lessons, but I will try to catch up with others.


strengthen/ enhance one’s cooperation


Our school basketball team will not beat the opponents in the final match/final(s) unless the team members strengthen their cooperation / cooperate well with each other.


As is known to all, …/ It is known to all that


As is known to all, success comes from hard work/diligence, and nothing can be

achieved without efforts/hard work.

例題:眾所周知,他的成功完全是努力的結(jié)果。(due to)

It is known to all that his success is entirely/totally/completely due to his hard work.

29.堅守崗位keep to one’s post

例題:無論風(fēng)多大、雨多急,警察一直堅守在崗位上。(no matter …)

No matter how hard the rain falls and the wind blows, the police keep to their posts.

30.竭盡所能do/ try ones best to do


We should try our best to make the city more beautiful.


have totally different opinion with us


When communicating, we are likely to meet people who have totally different opinions

with us.

32.驚人速度incredible rate/ speed

例題:我國到處都是高樓大廈,其發(fā)展速度真是驚人。(spring up / incredible)

High-rise apartment buildings have sprung up everywhere in China at an incredible

rate / speed.

33.聚精會神be absorbed in


I was so absorbed in reading that I didn’t hear my cell phone ringing.

34.困難重重has great difficulty/ be very difficult

例題:雖然困難重重,但他父母還是設(shè)法及時趕到了上海。( despite )

Despite / In spite of the great difficulty, his parents managed to get to/ arrive in/ reach Shanghai in time.

35.屢見不鮮appear so frequently


This kind of accident appears on media so frequently that effective measures are

being made to prevent it (from ) happening again.

36.抵制誘惑resist the temptation of 


He failed to resist the temptation of the delicious food in the reception and ate a lot.

37.旗鼓相當be equal to sb. in sth.


Though he is equal to me in skill and experience, either of us is likely to win the



work cooperatively/ with combined efforts


So long as / If we work cooperatively / with combined efforts, we will be able to

solve/ work out the technical problems.

39.千載難逢a rare/ golden chance

例題:既然經(jīng)濟艙位的票很暢銷,我們應(yīng)盡快打電話到售票處詢問一下,以免坐失良機。(now that)

Now that the tickets for economy class are popular, we should call the booking/ticket office to inquires soon as possible,making sure that we won't miss/lose the golden Chance.

40.日益增長ever increasing


Children had to compete with each other since they were very young, which brought

them increasing psychological pressure.


be getting worse/ become worse and worse


Unusual weather indicates that our living environment is getting worse, which is the warning to us from nature.

41.日益緊張increasingly intense


The increasingly tense doctor-patient relationship remains to be solved.

42.三言兩語in a few words


The rules of the game are too complicated to explain/be explained in a few words.

43.司空見慣be so used to


People are so used to such electronic products as mobile phones and computers that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.

44.受到認可be recognized/ received by


In terms of practical effect, the new regulation greatly improved the traffic condition and was recognized by the public.


Although the singer is not well recognized/received by the audience (popular with the audience), he sticks to his own singing style.


sb. benefit from sth. / sth. benefits sb. all your life


A good education benefits you/ is what you can benefit from all your life in your whole life.

46.特長、強項/弱點strong point/ weak point


Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own

strong points.


those who play with fire will surely get burnt


They should learn a lesson from this accident that those who play with fire will surely get burnt.

48.無懈可擊perfect 哈哈這個超簡單吧!


The service there is perfect and umbrellas are borrowed free of charge.

49.一步之遙be just one step away from success


Many losers don’t realize that they are just one step away from success.

50.一無所知be ignorant of sth.

例題:我對學(xué)生所談的電子產(chǎn)品一無所知, 我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己落伍了。(ignorant)

Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.

51.以備不時只需in case of unexpected needs/ that they are needed some day

例題:年輕時多學(xué)點技能是明智的,以備不時之需。(in case)

It is sensible/ wise to learn more skills when young in case of unexpected needs/ (that) they are needed in the future.

52.引人注意、吸引眼球catch one’s attention/ eye


These colorful fruit bowls caught my eye at that time, reminding me of the happy childhood.

53.有求必應(yīng)be always ready to help


Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction.

54.有所轉(zhuǎn)變have changed to some extent


Although people’s view on cosmetic surgery has changed to some extent, we must acknowledge that risk goes with it/ there is risk.

55.與時俱進keep pace with the times/change with the times

例題:老人們發(fā)現(xiàn)越來越難跟上現(xiàn)代科學(xué)的發(fā)展。(keep up)

The old find it harder and harder to keep up with the development of modern science.

56.與世隔絕be isolated from the outside world


The village is almost isolated from the outside world, thus lots of local customs are well preserved there.

57.援助之手reach out your hands in aid of sb./ give sb. a helping hand

例題:伸出援手去幫助那些身處困境的人們,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)你的人生更有意義。(aid n.)

Reach out your hands in aid of those(who are)in trouble and you’ll find your life more meaningful.


Though she is single and has no friends or relatives, all the neighbors offer her help/ a helping hand /to help her.

58.乍一看at the first sight/ glance of sth.

例題:乍一看,這塊手表沒有什么特別之處,但實際上它是一部手機。(there be)

At the first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.

59.志同道合have a common goal/ similar ideals and beliefs



He and I have a common goal/ have similar ideals and beliefs/ share the same views

and are similar in age and family background, which I think is the reason why we have become good friends.

60.山高林密 the high mountains and thick forests


Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue.

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